Dear Taoiseach, Ministers, TD’s, leaders, and politicians within the Irish government,
What is happening in Iran is femicide.
We at Why Not Her? call upon you to raise awareness on this issue. We ask those of you in positions within the government to take a stand. If more and more countries around the globe condemn Iran’s dictatorship and take decisive action, the political nature can be changed.
We are asking for you to assert your positions of power by interacting with each other on elevating the stories and lives of Iranian women and girls – and in doing so, exert your support and solidarity during this extremely devastating time.
Quoting Global Citizen: Mahsa Jina Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish woman, was allegedly brutally beaten to death by the so-called morality police in Tehran for showing her hair beneath her hijab on Sept. 16. Her tragic death sparked an outpouring of anger over women’s lack of freedom in Iran, mass protests across the country, and global solidarity. Amini’s case highlighted the continuous oppression and injustices women face in Iran and incited the mobilization of Iranians who are also dissatisfied with the country’s current economic situation that has left many without enough to eat.
Many more women and young girls have been brutally murdered since Sept 16th for simply speaking out against the cruel regime in Iran. It is femicide and we must stand in solidarity and use what power we have to elevate their voices.

We ask those of you who may not yet be familiar with the situation to Follow social media accounts and be up to date:
Social media is not only a source of entertainment but also great knowledge. You can follow accounts run by advocates and organizations who are supporting women in Iran and help amplify their messages, including Nazanin Boniadi, actor and Amnesty UK Ambassador; Masih Alinejad, activist and journalist; Abdorrahman Boroumand Center for Human Rights in Iran, a nonprofit organization; Middle East Matters, a youth-run organization; Naaz, a Kurdish singer and artist; Human Rights Watch, an organization; and Gissou Nia, Director of Atlantic Council Strategic Litigation Project. Search social media by using the hashtags #mahsaamini, #iranprotests, #iranprotests2022, and #zhinaamini. And share their stories.
We ask our government officials to please Take action.
You can show solidarity by sharing a message on why you stand with the women of Iran. You can use your positions of power to show your solidarity.
We hope you will continue to be the agents of change needed to create change towards a better, safer and kinder world that protects the rights of women and young girls.
Kind regards, and thank you ever so much for taking the time and energy on this matter.
Linda & Team Why Not Her?