Legendary Irish Artist Jim Fitzpatrick, best known for elaborately detailed work inspired by the Irish Celtic artistic tradition, has given Why Not Her? a beautiful piece of art to use for the Solidarity Campaign that is being led with the simple hashtag #WhyNotHer which aims to elevate the voices of women and female-identifying people and reach a more diverse and inclusive landscape across Irish media, broadcasting and music.
Says Jim of the campaign:
I support #WhyNotHer and the efforts to end pay and gender inequality. It is ludicrous that in so many of our media outlets including RTE, our national broadcaster, a male presenter earns much more than any female presenter, that a male reporter get paid more than his female counterpart.
This ridiculous situation is not unique to RTE but applies also to so many of our national television and radio stations- and our other media outlets. I worked in advertising in the 60 and 70s where all were paid on their talent and ability, male or female.
Time to apply this logic to all media too. It’s way overdue. Jim Fitzpatrick

Founder of Why Not Her? Linda Coogan Byrne says:
What a stunning gesture of solidarity from one of our most celebrated and beloved artists in Ireland. Sadv, The Deer Goddess, associated with forests, the doe and fawn, is one of the most ancient of the Celt Goddesses and is also associated with the Arts, which makes this so much more symbiotic. Her symbols are late-blooming flowers, red and gold items and rings. It is our honour to be given such a beautiful piece of art for the campaign from Jim.Linda Coogan Byrne
Editors notes on Jim:
During a period of childhood sickness, Fitzpatrick read and drew in bed, as well as his mother and great-aunt telling him stories of the Tuatha Dé Danann, Cú Chulainn and Fionn MacCumhaill.
Fitzpatrick’s earliest work was the graphic portrait of Che Guevara, which was based on the photograph by Alberto Korda, entitled Guerrillero Heroico, was taken on 5 March 1960. Fitzpatrick met Guevara 5 years earlier in Kilkee during Guevara’s visit to trace his Irish ancestry. Having initially tried to distribute the poster himself, Fitzpatrick chose to remove copyright from the image so that is could be used freely by left wing groups, stating that “I literally wanted it to breed like rabbits. I wanted it to spread.”
In 1978, he wrote and illustrated a book called The Book of Conquests, the retelling of a cycle of Irish myths, the Lebor Gabála Érenn. The book is a retelling of the legends of the coming of the Tuatha dé Dannan to Ireland and their fight with the Fir Bolg. The illustrations include intricate Celtic scroll work and knotwork, for which Fitzpatrick has become known. A second book, The Silver Arm, is based on the deeds of Nuada of the Silver Arm and Lugh in their fight with the Formor.
Fitzpatrick has produced artwork for bands such as Thin Lizzy including their Jailbreak album in 1976, for Sinéad O’Connor‘s 2000 album Faith and Courage, for The Darkness‘ 2003 single “Christmas Time (Don’t Let the Bells End)“, Norwegian black metal band Darkthrone‘s 2013 album cover The Underground Resistance, and took the photograph for the cover of Louise Patricia Crane‘s 2020 album Deep Blue. He was commissioned by CityJet in 2007 to create images reflecting Ireland’s culture, mythology, history and landscapes.